Why oh Why ??

"Why oh why pity the dead?" suka kita nyanyiin klo lg stres ato lg menggila hihi, based on lagu Bad Religion-Pity the Dead, pdhal lirik yg bener "oh why do we pitty the dead?" - dasar pasangan suami istri gila >,<

Yes, actually n recently, this big question mark always popped up in my mind "Why oh Why??"
Why am I still haven't got a job with this Master diploma? or even interview?
Why am I still comparing with the others?
Why my English gettin rotten day by day?
Why am i still a reckless girl? not even a woman?
Why am I still crazy lazy little bum?

Sometimes i feel hesitate whether my decision in the past is good or bad...
Is it a right decision to take my Master scholarship, right after my Bachelor graduation?
Is it a right decision to decline the jobs offering when i already take my Master course?

I know what i have to do: not hesitate the past, to grateful for what we have today, to let go those bad feeling, to enjoy the show

But still.... pergi sana setaaaaaaaaaaan!!shooh shooh, i wanna be a good girl

It's been 1 year and two months after my Master graduation, i wanna have a job!!!plissss!!
So many dream jobs here oh oh pliss accept my application, let me experienced some office, paper work, stressfulness, deadline, monthly payment....huwaaaaa

Ayo intan giatkan lagi! apply2 jgn putus asa, biarkan mereka sampai eneg liat CV kamu, perkaya vocab, berdoa makin serius.

Where there's a will there's a way Amiiiiin...



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